*This is a guest blog post by Jaap Geraerts. Jaap works as part of the team that won the DM2E Open Humanities Award at the Center for Editing Lives and Letters.* [In the previous update](https://dm2e.eu/open-humanities-awards-joined-up-early-modern-diplomacy-update-4/) we touched upon the relationship between the data and the software used for creating visualizations and this blog expands on […]
Wittgenstein Incubator Workshop, Bergen, 6/12/2013
One of the primary goals of the DM2E project is to build a set of tools that can be used to support and further humanities scholarship. Early on in the project a group of specialists on the influential twentieth century philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein, were identified as a key scientific community for the tools under development. […]
Project Meeting 4, Athens 28-29/11/2013
At the end of November the DM2E Consortium met in Athens to review progress made on the project so far and strategise about the next six months. The two days also involved presentations from two other Europeana projects, Europeana Cloud and Europeana Inside, both with overlaps with the technical work within DM2E. The presentations were […]
Open Humanities Awards – Joined Up Early Modern Diplomacy – Update 4
*This is a guest blog post by Jaap Geraerts. Jaap works as part of the team that won the DM2E Open Humanities Award at the Center for Editing Lives and Letters.* Since the [last update](https://dm2e.eu/open-humanities-awards-joined-up-early-modern-diplomacy-update-3/) about the Joined Up Early Modern Diplomacy project I have devoted a bit of time to the rationalization of the […]
Open Humanities Awards – Joined Up Early Modern Diplomacy – Update 3
This blog post introduces our newest member of the Centre for Editing Lives and Letters project team, Jaap Geraerts. Jaap is the research assistant on the ‘Joined-Up Early Modern Diplomacy’ project, and will be working to generate visualizations from the Bodley project data until the end of December 2013. Jaap is ideally suited to this […]
Job Vacancy: Pundit Front End Developer
[DM2E](https://dm2e.eu) project partner [Net7](http://www.netseven.it/en) is looking for a front end developer to join the [Pundit](http://thepund.it) core development team. Pundit is the award-winning semantic annotation tool for working with digitised manuscripts being developed as part of DM2E Workpackage 3. If you are a developer interested in building cutting-edge tools for researchers then get in touch. More […]
DM2E research output: Sharing and debating Wittgenstein by using an ontology
We’re pleased to announce that Alois Pichler of the University of Bergen and who has been working to integrate the [Pundit annotation tool](http://thepund.it) with the Wittgenstein Archive held in Bergen has co-authored a paper in the journal *Literary and Linguistic Computing*. The article entitled “Sharing and debating Wittgenstein by using an ontology” discusses some of […]
Open Humanities Awards – Joined Up Early Modern Diplomacy Project Update 2
*This is the second in a series of 6 posts from Dr Robyn Adams, one the recipients of the [DM2E Open Humanities Awards](http://openhumanitiesawards.org/).* This post gives a little background to the project that will generate [data visualizations from the correspondence of Thomas Bodley](https://blog.okfn.org/files/2013/05/Thomas_Bodley-192×300.jpg). I hope to reveal the context of what Bodley was up to […]
Open Humanities Awards – Maphub Update 2
*This is the second in a series of posts from Dr Bernhard Haslhofer, one the recipients of the [DM2E Open Humanities Award](http://openhumanitiesawards.org).* In my [previous blog post](https://dm2e.eu/open-humanities-awards-maphup-update-1/) I briefly described the two main construction areas we are working on in order to provide semantic tagging functionality as part of the [Annotorious image annotation library](http://annotorious.github.io/). First […]
Open Humanities Awards – Maphub Update 1
*This is the first in a series of posts from Dr Bernhard Haslhofer, one the recipients of the [DM2E Open Humanities Award](http://openhumanitiesawards.org).* In my previous [blog post](https://blog.okfn.org/2013/05/08/announcing-the-open-humanities-award-winners/) I announced that we will use the Open Humanities Award to integrate [Maphub’s Semantic Tagging feature](http://maphub.github.io/) into [Annotorious](http://annotorious.github.io/), which is a light-weight JavaScript annotation tool that works for […]