At the end of November the DM2E Consortium met in Athens to review progress made on the project so far and strategise about the next six months. The two days also involved presentations from two other Europeana projects, Europeana Cloud and Europeana Inside, both with overlaps with the technical work within DM2E. The presentations were followed by a lively debates on how DM2E can best demonstrate its value to the scientific community it serves.
The meeting began with a review from each of the four Workpackages on the last six months. Presentations from each of the Workpackage leaders can be found below:
Following on from the updates, Klaus Thoden of Workpackage gave a presentation of the preliminary results of the contextualisation of the digitised manuscripts data made available to the project by the content providers:
During the afternoon of the first day the DM2E Consortium had the opportunity to demo the tools being developed as part of Workpackage 1.
For the next section of the stage was given over to two related Europeana project, Europeana Cloud and Europeana Inside, as a basis for discussion for possible future collaborations. Gordon McKenna provided some background on the Europeana Inside project, his slides can be found below:
Joris Klerkx followed up with a similar exposition of the work of Europeana Cloud, identifying possible avenues of collaboration between Europeana Cloud and Europeana Inside.
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