**On March 28th, partners involved in Workpackage 2 came together to discuss plans going forward. The meeting was held at the the [Freie Universität Berlin](http://www.fu-berlin.de/).**
The focus of Worpackage 2 is to develop a tool for converting metadata from a range of sources to RDF that maps on to the Euroepeana Data Model, thus enabling Europe’s cultural heritage institutions to more easily integrate their data into Europeana. One of the most important things that the tool developed as part of Workpackage 2 must do is to preserve the original metadata record.
Steffen Hennicke (Humboldt Universität) started with an extended presentation about the properties and possibilities of the European Data Model.
The most important task of this day was to look at the data that the content providers in Workpackage 1 had provided and five key areas were discussed as part of the agenda:
1. Distill the requirements from the datasets provided by the Workpackage 1 partners. This meant identifying the different classes and properties uses within the datasets provided.
2. Match these requirement with the capabilities of the [European Data Model](http://pro.europeana.eu/documents/900548/bb6b51df-ad11-4a78-8d8a-44cc41810f22)
3. Identify gaps and try to fill them with the terms from other vocabularies. One suggestion was to build an ordered list of vocabularies to reuse
4. Discuss URI Construction Schemas
5. Decide to dos and next steps