In the second week of November, several members of the DM2E project were present at the annual EVA/MINERVA digital heritage conference in Israel. During this two day conference a couple of presentations and a hands-on workshop was given. During the plenary session on the Tuesday, Dov Winer, scientific leader of Judaica Europeana and content provider […]
OpenGLAM workshop at the OKFestival
From 17th till the 22nd of September, the Open Knowledge Foundation will organise the very first [Open Knowledge Festival]( in Helsinki. This will be a full week of participatory sessions, keynote lectures, workshops, hackathons and satellite events. Next to a [cultural and scientific hackday](, the OpenGLAM initiative organises a full day workshop about open cultural […]
Open Data and Cultural heritage workshop in Berlin
 Last week on April 20th, the [Open Knowledge Foundation]( hosted its first open GLAM workshop in Berlin as part of the [DM2E]( workshop program. During this half-day event, the legal-issues faced by cultural heritage institutions who want to open up their collections were discussed. Representatives from the [Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin](, the [Institute for Museum […]
First WP2 meeting in Berlin
 **On March 28th, partners involved in Workpackage 2 came together to discuss plans going forward. The meeting was held at the the [Freie Universität Berlin](** The focus of Worpackage 2 is to develop a tool for converting metadata from a range of sources to RDF that maps on to the Euroepeana Data Model, thus […]
Announcing the first DM2E workshop
We are proud to announce that The Open Knowledge Foundation will organise in cooperation with Wikimedia Deutschland and Creative Commons the very first workshop for the DM2E project titled: “Rechtliche Fragen beim Öffnen von (Meta-) Daten Gedächtnisinstitutionen”. Goals for this workshop are: Explanation why open data can be beneficial for cultural institutions Examples and showcases about the possibilities of open […]