On 2 April the DM2E project organised a full day event on Pundit, the web-based semantic annotation tool that is being developed in work package 3. The event was held at the Bild Wissen Gestaltung (BWG) Cluster of Excellence of the Humboldt University in Berlin and attracted a full room of participants eager to discuss their ideas on Pundits User Interface and User Experience.

The day started with an introduction to Pundit, given by Simone Fonda of Net7, lead developer of the Pundit annotation tool at Net7.
Next, Friedrich Schmidgall (Humboldt University) and Giulio Andreini (Net7) gave an interactive tour of Pundits improved user interface and its new features, including the Template Highlighting Feature (for making repeated annotations faster) and the Automatic Suggestion feature (for automatically extracting entities from the whole text of the page or from the selected text). In addition, several prototype showcases were presented to demonstrate the functionality of this new Pundit version.
After lunch, there was time for participants to present their use cases of Pundit, and discuss possible future improvements and extensions of Pundit (such as for example annotating sound fragments), while input was sketched live and shown on the screens.

All in all, it was a successful and useful event for gathering input on the future development of the Pundit tool – with thanks to the Bild Wissen Gestaltung Cluster of Excellence of the Humboldt University in Berlin for the great hosting!
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