Ontotext new associated partner of DM2E

During the DM2E meeting in Vienna, some exciting news was announced. [Ontotext](http://www.ontotext.com/), a Bulgarian company that develops core semantic technology, text mining and web mining solutions will become an associated partner of the project. It was agreed that Ontotext will provide licenses to their [OWLIM-SE](http://www.ontotext.com/owlim) triple store and will also provide technical assistance for installation and configuration to set up OWLIM-SE as a backend repository for the tools being developed within the DM2E project.


OWLIM is a family of semantic repositories, RDF database management system, implemented in Java, delivering full performance through both Sesame and Jena, robust support for the semantics of RDFS, OWL 2 RL and OWL 2 QL, best scalability, loading and query evaluation. More information about OWLIM is available at http://www.ontotext.com/owlim.

In the cultural heritage domain OWLIM powers the SPARQL end point of the [British Museum](http://collection.britishmuseum.org/Sparql), it was selected as the semantic repository of choice by the Yale Center of British Art, and [Europeana SPARQL](http://europeana.ontotext.com) end point hosted at Ontotext , which allows access to the entire Europeana collection in EDM (close to 1 billion RDF statements) in a reason-able view, which employs inference and provides 4 times more (close to 4 billion) statements available to retrieve, is also powered by OWLIM.

DM2E aims at developing tools to enable as many providers as possible to get their data into Europeana, and to stimulate the creation of new tools and services for re-use of Europeana data in the Digital Humanities. OWLIM will provide a solid, scalable and powerful backend to allow the project to meet its objectives. In DM2E OWLIM will be used as a backend to the annotation tools [KORBO](http://korbo.muruca.org/) and [PUNDIT](http://www.thepund.it), developed by [Net7](http:///www.netseven.it), and as an overall data integration repository which will carry experiments with the semantic data produced during the project.

We are very excited about the possibilities Ontotext will add to DM2E and are looking forward to working together.

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