On Friday the 30th of December, all the Work Packages of the Digitised Manuscripts to Europeana project gathered in Vienna to discuss the results of the last 6 months.

The morning started with a presentation from all the Work Packages and was followed by more specific presentations about the tools being developed in the project.
####WP1 – Content providers
The different content providers of DM2E have finished their first requirements report for WP2 and will continue delivering the digitised content and metadata to the project. In early January the Wittgenstein Incubator will start where a group of scholars will work on Wittgenstein’s Brown Book, being provided by the University of Bergen (WAB)
####WP2 – Interoperability Infrastructure
In WP2, many important progress has been made in the last six months. The goal of WP2 is to create a workflow for memory institutions to easily convert their metadata into EDM ready data.
First, Evelyn Dröge from the Humboldt University in Berlin presented the work they have been doing on developing an improved version of the European Data Model (EDM) and how they have worked on developing an EDM specification for manuscripts.
Kai Eckert from the University of Mannheim, now leading WP2, made a number of proposals how the improved EDM should be further developed in order to make it as usable as possible for both the user, as well as the memory institutions.
Konstantin Baierer presented the ingestion tool OmNom he has been working on. The tool will make it easier for memory institutions to turn their metadata into RDF by oploading it in OmNom.
Finally Nasos Drosopoulos of the National Technical University of Athens presented the work they have done on MINT, a web based platform that implements aggregation workflows.
####WP3 – Digital Humanities
Stefan Gradman of the Humboldt University and leader of the project, presented the talk that he gave at the Leipzig Digital Humanities Seminar earlier in November. Here, he gave an extensive introduction into DM2E and its possibilites. He also presented the Scholarly Domain Model and how it will the change the way research is being done in the humanities.
Christian Morbidoni of Net7 presented the current status of Pundit, the semantic annotation tool they are developing and explained how the Wittgenstein pilot will make use of their toolset.
####WP4 – Community and Dissemination
Sam Leon of the Open Knowledge Foundation presented the numerous activities that have been organised in the last six months and also announced the upcomming Open Humanities Scholarship Awards.
It was good to see that all deliverables were achieved and especially the recent work of WP2 with the mapping of metadata into the new EDM was very impressive. In early 2013, DM2E will start with the testing of several of the tools being developed during the Wittgenstein pilot.
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